Lelo Sensua Suede Whip


Lelo Sensua Suede Whip

The Lelo Sensua Suede whip comes in the gorgeous black box. On the back of the box it explains the whip in five different languages.  Once you remove it from the outer box you pull out a black elegant box with the words lelo on top of it. Inside this box lies your whip wrap in white paper.

Open the paper and there lies your whip this comes in two colors red and black I received the black one.  This whip is 4” long the whip part is made out of super soft leather I love the feel to it. The handle is made out of acrylic metal.  This whip is not too heavy on the handle the name lelo is imprinted in it.

I noticed after opening this that there was a bunch of black stuff all over my sheets I think once this bad boy is broken in that will cause it not to shed so much.

This whip can give you soft pleasure and hard pleasure depends on how you swing it.  This would make a great gift to anyone who loves whips.  I want to thank babeland for letting me have the opportunity to test this for my option.

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