Date Night Delight Kit

Date Night Delight Kit

The Date night delight kit was a fun way to heat up the night. Let me tell you about this cute kit.

It comes in this cute little plastic container which has what looks like white sparkly tinsel. Underneath the sparkly tinsel is a 0.5 oz. bottle of strawberry kiss lickable oil, one 1 oz. morning dew massage candle,0.5oz morning dew massage oil, please lubricant cream, please lubricant gel, silver bullet and English lavender massage bar.

Okay let me start with the 0.5 oz. strawberry kiss lickable oil. The bottle is tiny but it has a black screw off cap this oil smells really strong out of the bottle. I poured some on my partners back to try it as massage oil. This oil is very dry it soaks into the skin very fast the flavor on the other hand is fair not a big fan of it more like a sugar drink.

The 1oz. morning dew massage candle smells amazing I love it. It comes in this cute silver tin. When I lit the candle I let it burn for about 15 minutes to make a pool of wax then I poured it onto my hand and applied it to my partners skin because he was afraid of it burning him so I did it that way to make him happy. So this was a lite candle and once it was blown out it was not hot it felt amazing he said so then I made him use it on me and I loved it I will be looking into more maybe bigger.

0.5oz. morning dew massage oil is also a dry oil and soaks into skin fast you don’t get a long massage out of it. I decided to use this to my bath water and let me tell you I love it. It leaves your skin with a light fragrance and soft skin. I suggest to mix water up before you get in.

I did not care for the lubricant but it’s possible that someone out there will. The silver bullet is smooth and is very powerful. It runs off of three little button batteries.

 Now for my favorite the English lavender massage bar.  The bar comes in this purple tin foil looks like a chocolate that what it reminded me as.  The scent in this bar was lovely and I love how it made our skin soft.

Okay so that is my review I hope you guys enjoy I know I really loved this kit. Even though it had a few flairs it was still a lot of fun. Head on over to and check it out.

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